The Hand Work of the Terrors in Nigeria called Boko Haram PIC.
The Hand Works of Boko H |
Hi Bloggers, Our editors find this Article below a very smooth conspiracy and feel it is very unfortunate publication, while we cease this opportunity to educate bloggers properly and importantly too to remind our readers and the people of Nigeria the need to be steadfast in their decisions to resist the operators of lies , deceptions and former coup plotters who systematically plotted and piloted the coup that ousted a civilian democratic Government of President Shehu Shagari of the Federal Republic of Nigeria out of office and then followed by their barbaric way of dictatorial leadership which only its an-tendencies were humiliations of the citizenry, brutality, corruptions, extra-judicial killings and bloodshed and whose thirst for violence and bloodshed has not ceased until this day as witnessed even on the past electoral year and their recent stand to boycotts any thing that has to do with dialogue in the the interest of Nigeria's National Interest.
1. They refused and constantly shy way from equivocally condemning the Boko Haram senseless blood sucking activities in the North Eastern part of Nigeria.
2. They instead coin politics into the act of terrorism in other to give Boko Haram activities a human face making it possible to accuse for them the Governor Borno State Alhaji Shettima because he decamped APC affiliations/ Folks and joined PDP.
3. They ridiculed every efforts of the Government and Army of Nigeria to fight the deadly Boko Haram sect including its complicity roles in making sure their was no good and modern weapons and equipments for the Security Agencies to the the insurgents.
3. They boycotted a National Conference proposed by the ruling Party for the good of the people of Nigeria which was meant to draw all ethnic Nationalities and Peoples together irrespective of Political Affiliations to a round table discussion/dialogue to discuss the future and have a one common priority, opinion and interest for the good of all Nigerians documented and implemented.
4. They also boycotted the recent National Presidential Debate which was proposed by all the Media and Broadcasting practitioners and Civil Liberties organizations and overwhelmingly supported by majority voices of the People of Nigeria, a debated which was to look into what the supposed Presidential Aspirants and Parties has in their stock for the interest of peace, political stability and development of the Nigerian Nation/Peoples like it were a common practice in other Nations where democracy is the focus of the people but instead they find it less stressful to run to London to score cheap political points as they intends to do their contest in London instead of Nigeria.
finally, Now it is easier to even lobby the families of their victims with promises of fake political appointments if they wins in order to come to the press and tell people of decent minds that if Hitler wakes up from the grave, he will be a Christ and Govern Germany and the whole Nations of the earth well and will not be any more power hungry and thirsty AND not make a war with the Ruler of Heaven.
Now feel free to read their accounts and cheap plotting below once again!
I found Lola Shoneyin's piece on Buhari titled, "How My
Father's Jailer Can Offer Nigeria A Fresh Start" very engaging although
it dredged up some very painful memories. It took me down memory lane;
indeed, it was a vivid reminder of an awful road on which l and others
like Audu Ogbeh, now an ardent Buhari backer, travelled. It was my
painful duty as the “Captain” of the detainees, to receive Lola's
father, Engr. Tinuoye Shoneyin into the Abeokuta prison and to make him
as comfortable as possible in the extremely difficult prison
environment, providing him with clothes, a towel and toiletries. Engr.
Shoneyin had, as a matter of courtesy, responded to the invitation of
the government of Ogun State then led by Colonel Oladipo Diya, who later
became the deputy to Gen. Sani Abacha, to answer some questions and had
expected to be back home that evening. He was not to return home for
six months!
Lola's account dwelt on the torture that she (at such a young age)
and her family had to endure and the telling effect of such an
experience on the family. Many detainees never recovered from the
torture and the injustice that this experience represented. In many
cases, mine included, there was no accusation, much less a charge. One
slight misstatement in Lola's account was that the detention was at the
behest of Col. Tunde Idiagbon, the erstwhile deputy to General Buhari. I
doubt if that is quite true. The problem with autocracy is that once
the atmosphere has been established or allowed by the leader, many tin
gods at the various levels of the strata will for any number of reasons,
exploit the situation for the purpose of settling personal and petty
scores including disputations over girlfriends! So in the case of Lola's
father, the local despot at the time was Colonel Oladipo Diya who was
mean, brutal and sadistic and locked up as many people as he wanted, for
good, bad or sometimes no reason at all. He flogged civil servants for
lateness, taxed the people on every imaginable score, and signed for
nearly 20 people who had been sentenced to death (none of whom his
predecessor permitted to be killed), to be executed by hanging in one
day. He reveled in making people suffer wherewith he was promptly given
the name of "Kunya" meaning tormentor which was the direct opposite of
what his name “Diya” means in the Yoruba language. He was, indeed, the
harbinger of torment and suffering. He it was who saw a ghost in every
situation. If the sun was too bright he blamed it on the dethroned
politicians. He was a cruel taskmaster who tried irrationally to get
water out of stone. At a stage he rounded up contractors who had done
various jobs for the state government and dictated that they should
either pay certain arbitrary fines or be locked up in prison.
was in the gulag for 18 months, 16 of which l spent in the Abeokuta
prison. Prior to this time, I had presided over three Ministries in four
years and three months. There was never an accusation or a charge of
any sort against me. His investigators were surprised at how clean my
affairs were and how l could succinctly explain every transaction l was
involved in including providing photocopies of cheques that even
pre-dated my appointment. "Were you expecting that this type of thing
would happen? Why did you leave a thriving law practice for a job like
this?" they asked me repeatedly. Therein lies the dilemma of our country
that needs good people to preside over its affairs, yet castigates the
few who dare to get in the fray. "The punishment for the wise who refuse
to take part in the government of their people," said a Greek
philosopher, "is to be ruled by fools."
I came to understand
that Diya's grouse with me was that l was so close to the late Chief
Olabisi Onabanjo, my governor, and that there was no way of getting
Onabanjo without getting Adefulu his political son and confidant!
"Onabanjo did nothing Adefulu did not know of," Diya was reported to
have said repeatedly. So l had to be purged! Oluokun the head of state
security, himself a dastardly character, was Diya's hatchet man. When
all efforts at intimidation and harassment failed, they changed tactics
and tried to recruit me as an informant against Onabanjo. It soon became
clear to them however, that I was not going to be party to their
pursuit of crass injustice and motive hunting. I asked Oluokun
pointedly to cock his gun and shoot and kill me because under no
circumstances would l be part of such villainy. In any case, unless l
wanted to become a liar, such incriminating evidence did not exist
except in the figment of Diya's convoluted imagination. Onabanjo was the
quintessential leader - open, fair minded, as straight as a spoke and a
great lover of the people; a man who, to this day, several years after
his demise, l still hold in the highest regard.
At the time of my incarceration, my family was at a more delicate
stage than the Shoneyins, because it was younger and less endowed. My
first son Adeoye, was just under 10 years and our last daughter, Dayo
was three months old. I was 37 years old at the time of the coup. My
family was subjected to a long and extremely humiliating deprivation. It
was the unjust compensation l received for a job to which l gave the
very best of my life at a very young age (try as you may, such injustice
never leaves you. The wound may heal but the scar is there and
sometimes stares you in the face). I tried hard to be strong and for the
most part, l was. The knowledge that I had served with the very best of
my ability in a job l truly enjoyed, gave me peace of mind and
assurance. The open and vocal agitation of many well-meaning citizens
such as Professor Wole Soyinka for my release was an act of grace for
which l will forever be grateful. The only time l broke down was the day
my son, Adeoye, turned 10. With a smuggled recorder, I had recorded a
birthday message for him and his young siblings admonishing them to be
strong in the knowledge that God was on our side. After recording the
message, l wept profusely. It was terrible! My co-prisoners, including
my Deputy Governor, the late Chief Sesan Soluade, and the present Emir
of Suleija, Alhaji Anwal Ibrahim, the erstwhile Governor of Niger State,
and the others, tried hard to console me. I had been the strong one,
the encourager of the brethren, but l guess the cup had become too full
and it ran over.
While time heals, the impact of such injustice
endures. It leaves a telling effect which you carry for the rest of
your life. Ironically, when l was finally released, l was in hospital
where l had just undergone an emergency operation. Liberty had come at
last but it met me totally broken and incapacitated. At my release and
after, no one offered any apology for this gruesome and very unjust
recompense. Nobody, without due process, should ever have the power to
visit such humiliation and injustice on any human being. The irony of
dictatorship is that a leader can be so conscientiously wrong in his
crusading mission. The Buhari regime was very wrong in my case as in the
case of several others. I, along with many others, had come into office
with the purest motive of service. It was what l had always wanted to
do. I thought it was my life's mission and when the opportunity came l
did the work as if my life depended on it. I left a lucrative practice
to serve my people. I was totally accountable, yet l was unfairly thrown
into jail for no just cause for 18 months!
That was many years
ago and since l have focused on re-building my life and raising my
family. I have prayed and tried hard to forgive my unjust tormentors but
l know that the scar is there and people like Lola Shoneyin stroke that
weak point now and again, albeit unwittingly. Obviously this is not an
experience that can be wished away because it evidently affected my
being and changed my life fundamentally. It makes me appreciate people
like Mandela so much - 26 years on Robben Island (have you been there?)
and he came out with no bitterness and no guile! Such men are rare!
then, it has taken some effort for me to embrace Buhari's candidacy. I
have never voted for him. I did not even like him. But as my friend,
Audu Ogbeh said to me once, "so much has gone wrong with our polity,
that our emphasis now must not be on ourselves but on the survival of
the nation." I have no doubt he is right. This is a time when the
overriding interest must be that of the country. As a student of
history, l know that while constitutions can be copied and adopted, in
the end every nation will only learn by its national experience. The
history of many of the democracies we admire today is replete with
unimaginable and odious occurrences that characterized their
development. It is obvious to me that the trust we reposed in President
Jonathan in 2011 has been wantonly squandered.
The sobering
state of our nation and realpolitik has made me take another look at
Buhari. How viable is he for our polity given the available options? Is
the General, the devil he is portrayed to be, or a victim of
circumstances or a misunderstood individual? To me President Jonathan
has been such a disappointment in many critical areas of our national
life. There has been unprecedented violence and blood letting under this
administration, which, naively in my view, treated the Boko Haram
insurgency with kid gloves and a total lack of resolve. Today, Boko
Haram has established a formidable force and has succeeded, before our
very eyes, in changing the map of Nigeria. The President appears to have
turned deaf ears to the voices of wisdom and surrounded himself with
cronies whose main pre-occupation is to exploit him. Some of his
spokesmen have made a virtue of rascality and turned public relations
upside down. Miscreants who should be in jail for their past deeds are
the ones now threatening that our collective vote must go a particular
way or there will be insurrection. We never heard of "democracy" at
gunpoint till now.
To the discerning, it is clear that the Boko Haram insurgency has
been employed as a source of inscrutable abuse, or how else do we
explain a Nigerian private plane filled with raw US dollars being
impounded abroad? How many such planeloads escaped without being caught
is anybody's guess, yet our troops are said to be so ill equipped that
the insurgents have better arms. All this despite the huge sums that
have been voted for defence under this administration; one wonders where
all that money went. Then the massive corruption in every sphere of
public office - pension funds stuffed into pillows and mattresses, etc.
The disgusting state pardon for a man who, before an incredulous world,
broke the terms to a court order and left Britain dressed as a woman!
This is not how a leader should exercise such hallowed prerogative
power. The President's conduct sent a chilling message down the spine of
the polity that corruption and stealing are the way to go. You can add
to that the company of shady men wanted abroad for all manner of crimes,
including drug offences, who have been installed in positions of
leadership in the PDP or have been fielded as Senatorial candidates. The
management or lack of it of our foreign reserves (which have become
totally depleted) and reports of billions of missing dollars dominate
the air. Everybody who is working hard is in trouble. Joblessness has
risen to record levels. The youths are, justifiably restless because
they have no future in the present dispensation. The tales of woe are
just endless. Billions of dollars have disappeared into petroleum
subsidy yet even the cost of kerosene, the poor man's fuel, is at an
all-time high. It is the oil sheiks that are being subsidized not the
ordinary people. To say the ship of state is clearly adrift in Nigeria
is an understatement. A land that should be flowing with milk and honey
has become the laughing stock of the international community. We simply
can no longer tolerate this grotesque level of gluttony and of
corruption. There is an urgent need for a change otherwise, we face a
huge problem and social dis-location ahead beyond what we already have.
These are the reasons why l have embraced Buhari. If you look at his
past, and some of the statements credited to him, he is not an easy man
for a person like me to embrace. But 30 years is a long time and l
honestly believe he has had enough time to reflect and to change. He is
no more a military officer. He has retained a sharp, social conscience
for the people. I am impressed with the hunger with which he has fought
for elections. I want to believe that it is out of an earnest desire to
work for the people and to do some things right that General Buhari has
struggled so hard to win the nation's leadership through the electoral
process. While he may not be a saint, he is certainly not a villain.
His choice of a very good man in Professor Yemi Osinbajo, for a Vice
President gave me the assurance that Buhari was listening to the
comments on his areas of weakness. There are enough checks and balances
in a democratic set up to make fears of a return to dictatorship a joke.
I am also impressed by his modest lifestyle, unlike many of his ilk
who live in opulence and indulgence. This says something about the man. I
can trust this man with my wallet in a way l cannot do with Jonathan
who appears to have forgotten where he came from. Jonathan has lost the
golden opportunity to fundamentally affect the lives of the ordinary
folks. I am persuaded that it will be a tragedy for us to continue in
this drift for another four years. While Buhari is far from being my
ideal candidate and l worry about some of his deficiencies, my
perception is that although he may be short on the skills required for
the modern management of a state - technology, economic management etc. -
his record shows that he has the ability to enlist support. I hope this
time he will choose the right people and avoid those who will use his
name to do iniquity. While Buhari may not be the ideal candidate we
need, he is, certainly the best we have. There is a time in the history
of a nation when an individual is needed to rescue it or perform a
historic role. As it was with Winston Churchill who provided Britain
with the much needed war-time leadership, General Charles de Gaulle who
restored the confidence of France, Madiba, Nelson Mandela of South
Africa who championed the cause of majority rule and showed the way to
national reconciliation and our own Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo who provided
leadership to a country on the brink after the Abacha years, my belief
is that this is the hour for Muhammadu Buhari to stop the torment of a
hemorrhaging nation and restore its confidence.
Lastly, the General owes me one. I will still like Buhari to
vocalize an apology and offer some succour to people like me whom his
government brutalized in the past. It is the least he can do. To do so
is not weakness. Indeed, it is strength to admit the mistakes of the
past and to promote national reconciliation. For now, even ahead of the
apology, and in the national interest, l have thrown in my hat with
Buhari. So has Lola Shoneyin's father. Now 87 but still spritely and
alert, my big brother and comrade, Engr. Tinuoye Shoneyin, always a big
heart, is enthusiastically by my side at political rallies and party
support meetings. Our jailer has become our hope. Life is indeed nothing
if not an agglomeration of ironies. Adeyemi Adefulu MFR , is a Lagos-based lawyer.
The introduction text above in this page was written and edited by Global News Observers in-Collaboration with the Staunch News Broadcast and Re-shared by Voice of All Egbema Worldwide Community,.
The Continuing Article which was referred here as Propaganda to woo Nigerian Voters were coiled from Sahara Reporter : Please See their Link for reference/Confirmation
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